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How To Approach Companies Of Girls You Don't Even Know, And Still Get Them To Think You're Super!

For example lets use women at a bar. I will be going into lots of other techniques for non-bar pickups too but for now, we’ll stick with this.

(Note: In fact, I even recommend you try my top places for picking up that are not bars – they are WAY better than ANY bar and you’ll see a massive leap in your success rates with women.)

As you know, women don’t usually go to bars on their own. They go in companies.

Approaching COMPANIES of women can be extremely daunting and if you don’t know what you’re doing, you can fail BADLY with groups and like a pack of wolves they can rip you apart. I’ve seen men get cussed at, totally ignored and even drinks poured over them.

But if you do the approach RIGHT, then your success with a group of women can usually yield great results.

Whenever I suggest approaching groups of women I get LOADS of guys looking at me as though I’m from another planet. I realize that lots of guys probably don’t have the initial confidence to simply walk up to beautiful women they don’t know. Don’t worry, this can be easily solved. I’ll give you some simple tips here.

SIDE NOTE: If you have a major confidence problem then don’t worry, There is an advanced 155-page E-book called HypnoDate which almost exclusively goes into increasing your confidence with women – and it works through the power of self-reprogramming so it doesn’t matter how shy you are, this thing WILL work for you.


Step 1. Walk around the shopping mall and when you catch a woman’s eye, smile at her – more often than not, she’ll smile back. To start with you can do this just with shop employees. Even if they don’t WANT to smile, they probably will. Good practice. And you might even brighten a few women’s lives a little.

Step 2. Once you’ve gained confidence in making natural eye contact and a smile with staff, you could move onto other women in the mall. I’m not suggesting big weird freak smiles, just nice, natural friendly ones. A lot of women will smile back at you.

Step 3. Here’s where it might seem a little weird, but this really does help and practice and repetition will make this lots easier. Just say “hi” with a smile to women (and men if you like) as you walk around the mall. It will feel HORRIBLE at first if you are not confident but slowly, after an hour or two, it’ll seem easy.

After you’ve smiled and said hi to 20 or 30 women, you should start to feel good (as long as you don’t quit on your first negative response – this will happen and will happen when you’re approaching women to pick them up – you HAVE to learn to step out of your comfort zone if you want to be successful with women).

One of my male friends did the “smile at girls in the mall” technique and he actually ended up meeting the girl of his dreams and is still with her 3 years later – how’s that for effective!

There are loads of other techniques you can do to build your confidence, most not quite as scary as the mall one. I go into others within my book…

Right, let’s assume you now have the confidence or at least the guts to approach women you don’t know in a bar (Again, I don’t just go into bar pickups in my book, in fact, I think the best places to pick up women are NOT in a bar – I think it’s everyday places where you’re not competing with other single guys).

Firstly, let’s suppose two girls are sat together at a bar. One is the ‘ugly’ one and one is the hot one (the one you like the looks of and would like to get to know more).

You see the girls. Go up to them and talk to them NOW! Don’t waste time. Within 3 seconds of seeing them, approach them. Some people call this the 3 second rule and I must say it really does seem to work.

If you see her and like her, it’s best not to think too much about the approach, or you’re more likely to work yourself into such a state that your approach will be ineffective or you’ll just pussy out altogether!
(Don’t worry I’ll tell you WHAT to say when you get there in a future lesson). So within 3 seconds, go TALK to her!

ALWAYS, ALWAYS approach a woman from the side or an angle from the front. !!!NEVER from behind – IMPORTANT!!!

If you go up to the group at the bar and approach from behind you will INSTANTLY invoke a negative response, and they will be put on the defensive - for obvious reasons. ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS go in from the side...

Like to learn more about how to meet, attract and seduce beautiful women?


Do you have to be drop dead good looking to get the girl of your dreams? The answer is no. The fact is most girls simply don't go for pure looks and the phrase what's on the inside is as important as whats on the outside is just as important if not more so in getting your dream date.

Here you will find 10 tips that are guaranteed to help you get the date you really want and maybe even get the girl of your dreams.

1. Know Your Strengths & Weaknesses

Firstly you need to thing of your strengths and weaknesses and if you are honest with yourself you will know them to.

It's not your strengths you need to work on but your weaknesses to improve your overall personality. While this may seem fairly obvious most people think their strengths can make up for their weaknesses but this is not the case.

2. Get Help

When you know your weaknesses get help. If for instance you feel you lack a sense of style (and many men do) get help.

A good place to start is with a trusted female friend who can give you an honest opinion. A fantastic investment though is to visit a professional - In this case an image consultant who will ensure you look good.

Top on most women's list of likes is a well turned out guy.

You can look good and be great personality but this wont make up for a lack of style.

3. Make The Most Of What You Have

Grooming is critical. Make sure your face and hair look good. If in doubt with your hair get it cut most women see short hair as tidy and manly.

Also pay attention to your skin and make sure you moisturise and cleanse.

Nothing is more unattractive than bad skin.

What do most women love on a man?

A great smile! Make sure you have one regular trips to the dentist and white teeth are a must - You can bleach your teeth for about 100.00 and this is a sound investment

4. The Art Of Conversation

Most women love a man who can communicate with them so you must learn the art of conversation if you find communicating difficult - Not enough room here but you can find out all about it in our related articles

5. Romance

What women don't like a bit of romance? It shows you care.

They don't have to be expensive gestures just show you have gone out of your way for them. A bunch of flowers, a book she may like or cook her a meal.

The fact you have made the gesture will be highly appreciated.

6. Don't be Afraid To Show A Feminine Side

This does not mean you are not a man. It simply shows you are sensitive and in touch with your feeling and emotions. Most women love a sensitive side so show it.

7. Manners

This simply means showing your date respect. You are punctual and you are attentive to your dates needs. You can open doors, take her coat and when she leaves you to go home, make sure she gets home safely, if you are not dropping her off.

If this sounds old fashioned to you and you think a women won't appreciate it - Try it and see, you will be surprised at how well it goes down.

8. Sense Of Humour

All women like men who make them laugh. If you are a serious person try not to take yourself to seriously, be able to laugh at adversity, yourself and don't take life to seriously.

Do the above tips mean you will get your dream girl - Maybe not, but they will certainly improve your chances. Don't try to hard and remember we all sometimes get rejected but there is someone out there for everyone.

6 Things Men Look at When They Talk to You

Men are visual creatures. They quickly judge women based on their appearance. And if you are really nice on the inside but not well-put together on the outside, they may not want to get to know you. So it is important that you take note of the five things men look at when they talk to women:

1. Your eyes: Men look at your eyes because it simply speak volumes about what you feel on the inside. When you are talking they look at your eyes to see what language it is speaking. If you like a man, your eyes will give you away even before your words do.

2. Your skin: They look at whether you have clear skin or skin that has a lot of scars and acne. If you have clear radiant skin especially when it does not look like you have much makeup on, then you have their attention. If your skin needs help, they tend to lose interest in wanting to get to know you.

3. Your breast: For most men, nice plump breast is a sign of good health. If you have that right size they love, they imagine themselves squeezing or kissing it. Of course they will not tell you that is what they are thinking, but that is exactly what they are thinking.

4. Your Lips and teeth: Men will look at how full and kissable your lips are. If your teeth are white and straight, then you have exactly what they want to see in the woman they would like to date.

5. Your stomach: The flatter your tummy the better. If you have a few pounds around your waste line, then most guys will tend to lose interest, unless they think that you will lose it with a little exercise.

6. Your Butt: If you happen to turn around and walk away from a man you are talking to, you can bet your life that the next place his eyes will go, will be your butt. If you have that teardrop-shaped butt count yourself lucky. Most men do not want a butt they cannot put in the palm of their hand. In other words, most men do not want women with butts that are simply too big, and certainly not too small.

To find out the quickest way to make your man fall madly in love with you, click here

How to Get That One Special Girl

The issue of nervousness and anxiety talking to a stunning woman is a big problem, I know, I've been there before, yet there is a solution, and amazingly it can be learned in just a few minutes.

The first thing you must realize is that the problem is not that you don't know what to say. I'm quite sure when you are with friends out and about you talk with them, you don't sit there all nervous thinking things like "oh do they like me? Am I being cool enough? What do I say?" You simply say what you want to say and do what you like, and this is the first key to finding the right words when talking to the girl you like.

You see, it's all up there in your mind, all those amazing stories, fun things you've done in your life, great things to talk about. You simply need to somehow get it out of your mind and verbalize those thoughts. To do this you need to do what is known as "thinking outside your head" or "being in state", it's where you stop thinking about anything at all and just start talking. When you live outside your head you start becoming less dependent on the result or outcome of what you said and you start being yourself.

The hard part is taking that first step, in fact it's the hardest part of all, for once you turn off that little internal voice that is constantly telling you things you really don't need to know, it's a nice downhill slide into what I like to call happy joy joy land, that place where you get this high just from the experience of just being around beautiful women and you start to feel almost euphoric. Yep you probably experienced it last you had a major crush on a girl, remember how it seemed like every time you locked eyes you had this tingly good feeling. Imagine that all over again with the volume turned to 11.

To get into this state you must first hear that voice inside your head. Next time you're talking to a girl do this: listen to yourself think, think about what you're thinking about and realize what you are doing. You will find you probably have a lot of negative self talk going on in there, and it is this self talk that is causing you to feel the nerves and anxiety you feel when talking to women. Once you can finely tune in on the emotions you are feeling and realize what your brain is saying to you (generally things like "don't screw up" or "don't say that, that's stupid") you are ready for the next step.

Ok this step is probably best done with girls other than the one you like, for you will screw up, but the screw up is not a bad thing, it's a learning process and you learn 100x from getting rejected by a girl than you do by not doing anything. The next step is to tune out all this negative self imaging and start saying ANYTHING that comes to mind, I don't care if you just thought your toenails need clipping, just say it out loud! The point is not to become cool instantly; the point is to start living outside of your head. When you start blurting out everything without a second thought you will notice your mind shifts from constantly thinking about everything and overanalyzing situations, to simply being in the moment and coming along for the ride, rather than controlling your actions. Only once you start living outside your mind can you start to become a cool guy who knows exactly what to say, if you are still thinking inside your head you will still have that bad self talk telling you not to say anything at all and you will get nowhere.

After you have gotten outside of your mind and started to experiment with just saying anything you can start the next step, Self Amusement. Simply look at the person you're talking to and start laughing, you don't even need anything funny to laugh about, just make yourself laugh at absolutely nothing. If they ask what it is, laugh harder and start to shake your head like you're saying no, at the same time telling them "Oh I can't do that, you'll stop doing it and I won't have my source of amusement for the day". This is the beginning of self amusement and once you have mastered the act of just making yourself laugh with anything you can instantly get in state at any time (more explained on this phenomenon later). Doing something in order to simply amuse yourself rather than others is extremely attractive to women and incredibly fun for you. The key here is to amuse YOURSELF, you are not trying to make her laugh you are simply having fun and poking fun at her. Keep practicing this self amusement with everyone you know, just doing silly things and laughing at them, if they don't laugh with you WHO CARES, it's more fun when you are having all the fun and pretty soon they will want to join in too.

Ok so now you think outside your head and can self amuse, what's next? We'll the next step is to put all this together and start doing it at the start of every conversation with a new girl you meet, even if you don't know them from a bar of soap. Crack up laughing and do silly things (pull faces, make fun of things they are doing/wearing, whatever), what this will do is get you *in state* and being in state is one of the most powerful things ever.

When you are in state you are on a sort of high where you feel invincible (kind of like being drunk) and when you get into this state because of the immense amount of positive happy energy you are giving off, you can almost do no wrong. Imagine it being like that fun drunk dude you always see at the bar/party that is going around high fiving people and having a blast, be that guy (using the above methods) and have an awesome time no matter where you are or what you're doing.

Once you can get into this state through self amusement and just having fun you will notice something magical, you start to realize that you can say just about anything and people will respond positively to it. It is at this point that you will realize that it really doesn't matter what you have to say, it's how you feel and how others feel about you at the time you say it. You can make the best joke in the world when you are not in state, being a normal everyday guy, and it may bomb, yet say a lame joke when you are in state and watch everyone crack up laughing. It's really cool when you first experience this because it's at this point that you finally start to realize you don't need fancy lines or pickup tactics to get women, all you need is to be yourself in a happy, excited, fun state, doing what you want to do and caring little about what others think about you. For when you think about it, everyone is too busy worrying about what others think about them to think about others, so do what you like and simply have fun.

Finally once you have started using this ability to get in a fun, enjoyable state easily, do it when you are around the girl you're interested in and you will notice her attraction spiking immensely. Every girl wants a fun, exciting guy to be with, be that man and the girl you desire will be all over you.To learn more,click here

10 Ways To Rekindle The Magic In Your Relationship

Are you frustrated that your relationship doesn’t
have the magic and romance that it once had?

You’re not alone.

Living with the same partner for a long time can
become stable and comfortable, and, as a result,
can also kill the spark that made your relationship
so special in the first place.

Here are some simple, fun and creative ideas to
reignite that magic:


Get a piece of paper and some crayons. Draw a
bright childlike picture with a smiley sun and two
stick figures holding hands. Add labels with your
two names pointing to the stick figures. Write ‘I
Love You’ inside a heart. Next get a large formal
envelope. Place your drawing inside and type up a
formal address label of your partner's workplace,
such as: “For the immediate and urgent attention
of: Rebecca Jones, Level 20, Collins & Smith
Solicitors, New York.” Mail it to your partner so
they receive it in the middle of a busy day.


If you are walking by a park, visit the swings and
give your partner a ride. This will often bring
back happy memories from their childhood.


On a hot summer’s day, buy two large water pistols
and take them to the beach with you. Pull them out
and throw one to your partner and then have a huge
water fight.


Buy a small, decorated cardboard box, a sheet of
colored tissue paper, some massage oil and a blank
card. Line the box with the tissue paper. Place the
massage oil in the box and write the following
message on the card: I know a great masseur. For an
appointment call: (Your Phone Number)


Contact your partner's family and ask if there was
anything she always wanted when she was a little
girl. For example if she always wanted a porcelain
doll, buy one for her birthday. She will not only
appreciate the gift, but also the fact that you
were thoughtful enough to find out what she always
wanted. You can do this for your man too.


Drive into the country, find a grassy hill, and lie
with your partner and look up at the clouds.


Trace out the shape of a large love heart in the
sand. Sit inside the heart and cuddle your partner
as you watch the sun go down.


Spread a picnic blanket on the ground and get
together some snacks, chocolates and champagne. Lie
down on the blanket with your partner and gaze up
at the stars together.


Leave a long-stem rose where your partner will find
it, with a note on it saying: "Thank you for coming
into my life."


Probably the most profound way to rekindle the
romance in your relationship is to spice up your
lovemaking. Surprise your partner with a little
gift after you make love, try a new position, learn
to give your partner a sensual massage before or
after, or just spend some time staring into each
other’s eyes and caressing their bare skin before
making love.

Many people underestimate the affect passionate and
intimate lovemaking has on a relationship. If you
spice it up, chances are you and your partner will
naturally do romantic things for each other. Why?
Because passionate lovemaking connects two people
in a meaningful and unexplainable way that nothing
else can.

To learn more about
Lovemaking Tips, a book full of ways to spice up
your lovemaking, adding more passion, pleasure and
intimacy to your experience, click here